Explore projects
An example project that demonstrates how to create face detection and person detection GStreamer plugins using the Xilinx Vitis-AI-Library.
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Port of design modules from the ZCU106 v2019.2 VCU TRD to the UltraZED-EV Starter Kit
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Nguyen, Harry / aibox-facerec
Apache License 2.0Modification of XLX aibox-reid app into face recognition
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Port of design modules from the ZCU106 v2019.2 VCU TRD to the UltraZED-EV Starter Kit
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Machine learning example for the ZCU104 with FMC Quad-Camera module from Avnet
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Xilinx / Versal / AI Engine / FFTs for Fun
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterUpdated -
This lab will focus on applying device tree modifications to a 2021.1 Xilinx Yocto image created with the Xilinx Yocto Manifest.
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Jason's collection of custom Vitis Platform recipes. NOTE: The platforms in this repository are for training, debug and integration. WARNING: Makefile stages have been broken up into shell scripts on the back end and MAKE dependencies have been removed. If a MAKE stage fails the build will continue, so be sure to check the console log for errors when using projects from this repository.
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This lab demos the process of adding applications to a Xilinx Yocto Image.
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Developed with Vivado 2022.1, these behavioral simulations show how to use the Video Test Pattern Generator and highlight how to control the test pattern generation framerate using a Video Timing Controller and Video In to AXI Stream conversion IP. The simulation simulations a QQVGA (160x120) resolution frame size, showing 4 frames generated as fast as the TPG can generate them at 25MHz bus clock, then shows 4 frames generated with 60fps refresh rate timine (1.944MHz Pixel Clock).
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Simple project to allow developing accelerated applications on Ultra96v2 using Vitis Acceleration and PetaLinux.
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Scripted build examples for generating custom ZCU106 Vitis Platforms with Overlay Support, including DPU, SOFTMAX, VVAS HLS Accelerators, etc...)
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Example showing how to build the platform and demo for the zcu104_vcu_ml reference design/demo
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UltraZED-EV Port of the ZCU106 VCU TRD