Explore projects
Modification of XLX aibox-reid app into face recognition
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Scripted build examples for generating custom ZCU106 Vitis Platforms with Overlay Support, including DPU, SOFTMAX, VVAS HLS Accelerators, etc...)
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Ports of Xilinx TRD reference projects to the Avnet UltraZED UZ7EV SOM + IO Carrier Card
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The gitlab will demonstrate the process of creating a meta-user recipe to build custom R5 RPU applications.
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This lab will document the process for running an application on the secondary real-time r5 processor (RPU1) using split mode.
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An example project that demonstrates how to create face detection and person detection GStreamer plugins using the Xilinx Vitis-AI-Library.
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Utilities / Binaries / Scripts / Config files to build a rootfs for different boards
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